San Francisco Kayak & Adventures
why we do it...
San Francisco Kayak & Adventures was created with the desire to share knowledge and provide structured and guided kayaking opportunities, hiking opportunities, and other fun adventures for groups of people with the desire to Experience and learn more about our Natural World.
Our Adventures allow for travel to areas that are beyond our more familiar and frequented terrestrial and pedestrian based landscapes. With active participation, these opportunities allow us to reconsider our connection to the natural environment, witness and observe wildlife, and ponder our integral connection to the health and prosperity of our local environment and greater planet. Like traveling to a foreign country, taking on an adventure offers us the ability to see our own living environment, culture, and personal habits in new ways.
And if that's not enough, let us be reminded that our kayaking adventures take place on a truly magical, yet often under-appreciated substance that covers over 70% of our planet, makes up over 60% of our bodies, and is fundamental to every aspect of life - Water!
So sharing an adventure and becoming more intimately connected with water, the outdoor world, or becoming more closely connected with friends and family while on an adventure, can offer a multitude of opportunities to explore gratitude for the gift of life and awaken a sense of responsibility for, and the deeper experience of, our Living Planet.
Join Us for an Adventure and Find Yourself Experiencing Life!
"In the end we will conserve only what we love. We love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught."
- Baba Dioum